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Using the Rower for Conditioning?

Using the Rower for Conditioning?

This story was told to me by my good friend and former training partner, Kevin Deweese.  A young man told Kevin that he'd like to train, look and be strong like Bill Kazmaier (Kaz).  For those that don't know, Kaz was a world-class powerlifter and strongman.  He was (and still is) inhumanly big and strong.  The guy is massive. Appropriately, Kevin has been having this young man do heavy Prowler walks/runs, etc. Kevin asked the young man if he did any conditioning over the weekend.  The kid responded, "Yeah, I did some conditioning.  I did the Rower for about 30 minutes. lt was a great workout."  Kevin stared at him for a long time.  After a 10 minutes of silence, Kevin asked, "Hey, have you seen those old videos of Kaz using the rower?  They're on YouTube." "Really?  He used the Rower?!" "Nope."

Bill Kazmaier - Rower For Conditioning? -



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