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Stress and Lifting: Get Off Your Knees

Stress and Lifting: Get Off Your Knees

I think we've all been in situations that completely drain you emotionally, physically, and mentally. It could be from school, death, divorce, money woes, or significant other stress. What I've always done is make sure lifting remains a huge part of my life, even if just for the soul-soothing regularity of  being somewhere and doing something that I can control.

One important lesson that I've learned is when things get out of hand in  life, keep the things that you can control, controlled. This keeps you from  going insane. The other thing that I've always done, especially during hectic times, is to always prioritize the main lifts and little/nothing else. So during the football season,  I'd just make sure to squat, bench, and clean. I'd be exhausted but I'd pick one lift a day, set a goal, and reach it. This is something that I still do when life starts to run me ragged, and it allows me to completely focus on what's important. The fact that I know going in that it will only demand SOME of my time is half the motivation.  Looking at some of the  workout programs people send me, complete with 9 exercises per day, I'd never enter the weight room from the sheer amount of anticipated boredom. I want to lift heavy, not fart around.  Lift with purpose - lift with a challenge looming to train for.  Training for nothing is NOTHING.  It's admirable that one would spend all that time in one area, one activity with no great reason.  Is it art to do something like that?

It comes down to this, when the world is handing you a huge pile of shit, keep the things that you enjoy in your life and keep the motivation high by not overwhelming yourself. Reach goals each workout and move on. This success will help your attitude and keep you from falling too hard; let these things anchor you and keep you from drowning.  Just please don't martyr yourself - being a victim, worshiping/admiring victims is how you breed weakness and waste your life on your knees.  Get up and get the real view.

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Training 2 Days/Week
Be Your Own Leader
Why Men Of Action Are Better
What Is Vag?



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