In Honor of Dave Sherrard

In Honor of Dave Sherrard

SWAT team sniper, Dave Sherrard, of Richardson P.D. was killed in the line of duty on Wednesday, February 7th, 2018. 

"Anyone who knew Dave knew that he was a 5/3/1 guy.  Not just the workout, the perspective on life.  He did everything 100%.  He was not vain.  He was exceedingly humble.  He was passionate about his family and his job and constantly improving himself.  The 5/3/1 program was a big part of that for him and he told everyone about it.  In every eulogy and memorial speech his team members talked about how passionate he was about the 5/3/1 program.  Every shirt he wore, when not in uniform, was a 5/3/1 shirt or a flannel shirt.  It was an ongoing joke between him and his friends and co workers.  If you do any search for him you will find that he lived and died in a way that would represent the philosophy with honor.  I know that Dave would LOVE to see his brothers finally wearing 5-3-1 shirts!" - Anna Hawkins, Richardson P.D. Family

When Dave Sherrard was killed in the line of duty, my wife and I were told of his commitment to his family, his friends and his team.  We were also informed of his relentless pursuit to make everyone do the 5/3/1 program.  Dave made no secret of his passion of training and the 5/3/1 philosophies.  I wonder if his friends would wax poetic about the Conjugate Method, Starting Strength or would occasionally let him know Crossfit was superior, all while trying to keep a straight face. I know I would have. 

I'm sure a SWAT team is similar to a football team - the camaraderie and ball busting is over the top.  From the outside, it may look hostile but in close quarters, this is how you know you are part of the extended family.  I will never know Dave personally but I can safely say that after hearing about him, he and I would have a great time together.  And while there is more to life than lifting weights, it is still something that bonds so many of us together.  Dave supported me and this is the only way I know how to return the favor.  Shirt 1078 and the 5/3/1 Blue Line Hoodie are available on Pre Sale with 100% of all proceeds going to his wife and two daughters.  Thank you Dave, for your support and most importantly your service to your community.  

The pre sale for 1078 Shirts and Blue Line Hoodies has ended.  Thank you all who purchased or chose to donate directly to the family.  


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