Rugged Meats

Rugged Meats

It's hard to write anything about beef jerky, meat sticks or anything similar without massive sexual overtones.  So let's get all get a laugh at "meat stick" and move on.

A couple months ago, I got a big package (keep it down, kids!) delivered to me by Rugged Meats.  I get sent a lot of stuff, get asked to give approval/reviews and generally have a hard time doing so.  First, I'm insanely lazy and outside of work, my day is generally spent doing stuff I want to do; sleeping, eating, napping, training, listening to Iron Monkey and trying to pollute my mind.  Second, not everything deserves any stamp of approval.  Finally, the fitness world is rife with people jerking each other off.  Not really my scene.

The box I got had ton of meat sticks of various kinds and jerky products; all of them were fresh and tasted great.  I have eaten a ton of jerky products and it's a real crap shoot; more often than not, it's more of test of tooth strength than snack.  This jerky was fresh, tasted great and did not require a marathon of chewing to get it down.  The other good thing is that I could eat without having to cook or prepare anything. Remember, I'm lazy and while I like to eat, I hate to cook.

They did not ask or pay me write this however Rugged Meats is legit and I can't recommend them enough. Perfect for any lifter, athlete or any busy person who needs a tasty, healthy snack. From one carnivore to another, your lunch money is safe with them.    

Rugged Meats uses 100% Free Ranging Wild Boar: Gluten Free, Nitrate Free, and MSG Free.  Get some snacks today.

If you are interested in the nutrition of the various snacks, check this out.

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