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China Town - blog

N.O.V. Movie Hall of Fame - Chinatown

Chinatown simply rules. This is because film noir rules. To quote Juliet Wendler - "This is when men were men." This 1974 classic revolves around the water crisis in Los Angeles in the late 30's. Jack Nicholson stars as J.J. Gittes, a private detective that gets wrapped up in political corruption, sex and murder. This is a long movie and one that requires several sittings to really appreciate. Also, notice that the POV is always of Gittes - what he sees and knows, you do too.
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How Sore are you Today?

How Sore are you Today?

As much as I am impressed and amazed at watching the videos of Ed Coan, Dmitry Klokov, Stan Efferding and the other great lifters I admire, these videos offer a different perspective and attitude I think we all can learn from. Once again, the only thing you have control is your attitude. You can choose to be/associate with the gossip scum, the Facebook fucks and the petty Life Suckers that martyr their lives and jobs - "poor, poor ME." Or you can choose to turn off the negative and realize that this short life deserves the best of you. Don't waste your life surviving. Find your passion and go forth, full bore.
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531 Boring But Big

Boring But Big

Without a doubt, the Boring But Big is the most popular assistance template for the 5/3/1 training program.  This is because it is easy to program, easy to use and great for both strength and size.  There are two basic ways to do the Boring But Big template:

Example 1

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